
兰州大学110周年校庆化学学科系列学术报告第九十六场——Andreas Rizzi教授

发布日期:2019-07-05 00:00:00 点击量:

应化学化工学院邀请,奥地利维也纳大学分析化学研究所Andreas Rizzi教授来我校进行学术交流并作学术报告,欢迎感兴趣的师生参加。


人:Mag. Dr. Andreas Rizzi

报告题目: Glycosylation of proteins: Product control in biotechnology and pharmacy and interrogating its potential role as biomarker






Andreas M. Rizzi was born in Vienna, Austria. He received his Master degree in Theoretical Chemistry in 1975, and his Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry in 1978 from the University of Vienna. After a brief periode as visiting scientist at the Pharma-Research-Laboratory of H?chst in Germany, he habilitated for Analytical Chemistry in 1991 at the University of Vienna and became Professor for Analytical Chemistry there in 1996. In 2008 he received a Honorary Doctor degree of the University of Arad, Romania. He is Senior Deputy Editor of “Electrophoresis” and from 2004 to 2013 he edited the journal’s annual special issues on “Bioanalysis”. Over the ten years (2006-2015) he served as organizer and chairman of the annual mass spectrometry meeting “MassSpec-Forum-Vienna”.

His main research acitivities cover combined electrophoretic, chromatographic and mass spectrometric techniques like CZE-MS/MS, capillary HPLC-MS/MS, 2D-Electrophoresis MALDI-MS and its application to bioanalyis, particularly therapeutic glycoprotein analyses and disease associated proteomics and glycoproteomics. Another topic is chiral analysis by CZE and HPLC. He is Author/Coauthor of more than 90 papers in Peer-reviewed journals and of several book chapters. He was extensively involved in teaching activities.