
“文魁论坛”第二十九场报告会通知—Shunichi Fukuzumi 教授

发布日期:2016-06-29 00:00:00 点击量:

应化学化工学院和功能有机分子化学国家重点实验室邀请,日本大阪大学Shunichi Fukuzumi 教授来我校进行学术交流并作学术报告,欢迎广大师生参加。

报 告 人:Shunichi Fukuzumi 教授

报告题目:Artificial Photosynthesis for Solar Fuel Production



Shunichi Fukuzumi教授简介

Shunichi Fukuzumi received Ph.D. degree from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1978. After a post-doctoral position at Indiana University, he joined the faculty at Osaka University in 1981. He was promoted to a Full Professor in 1994. In 2013, he was selected as a Special Distinguished Professor at Osaka University. He was the Director of an ALCA (Advanced Carbon Technology Research and Development) project of Japan Science Technology Agency (JST). He is the Director of Global Education and Research Center for Bio-Environmental Chemistry (Global COE Program) at Osaka University. He is now a Professor Emeritus of Osaka University and a Distinguished Professor at Ewha Womans University in Korea. He has got many medals including Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ) award (2005), the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (2010), Medal with Purple Ribbon from the Emperor of Japan (2011), Robert Burns Woodward Career Award in Porphyrin Chemistry (2014), and Physical Organic Chemistry Award (2014) .

Research Area: Artificial Photosynthesis, Electron Transfer Chemistry, Catalysis, Physical Organic Chemistry and More Information: home page: http://www-etchem.mls.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp/mlset010/English/Welcome_to_Fukuzumis_Group.html

Paper: 1061 (Web of Science), Citation: 34,848 , h-index: 91






