
兰州大学110周年校庆化学学科系列学术报告第一百零三场——Tom K. Woo博士

发布日期:2019-07-15 00:00:00 点击量:
        应化学化工学院邀请,加拿大渥太华大学(University of Ottawa) Tom K. Woo博士来我校进行学术交流并作学术报告,欢迎感兴趣的师生参加。
        报 告 人:Dr. Tom K. Woo
        报告题目:Using Big Data and Machine Learning to Accelerate Materials Discovery for Carbon Capture
  Dr. Woo received his Ph.D. in theoretical chemistry (1998) from the University of Calgary (Canada) from famed theoretical chemist Professor Tom Ziegler, one of  the pioneers of density functional theory. Dr. Woo’s Ph.D. thesis won the Canadian Association of Graduate Studies Distinguished Dissertation Award for Natural Sciences, Health Sciences and Engineering (only 1 awarded per year). He then did a brief post-doctoral residency at the ETH in Zurich before starting his independent career at the University of Western Ontario, 2000. Dr. Woo’s research focuses on the development and application of advanced computational chemistry methods to model various chemical and catalytic systems of scientific and commercial interest. The group has been involved in examining the mechanistic details of both organometallic catalysis and heterogeneous catalysis. This has recently led to the group’s development of chemometric models to study catalyst activity and selectivity. Another research theme within the group is the study of metal organic framework (MOF) materials, with a particular focus on their use in clean energy applications. Here, virtual high throughput screening methods are being actively developed. The group is also advancing QSAR and related chemometric methods that can be applied to MOFs and other materials to analyze the large data sets that result from the virtual screening. Dr. Woo was awarded the inaurgural Tom Ziegler Award from the Canadian Society for Chemistry.